Spring season officially ended for all six of BLD’s programs this past weekend after yet another great season of lacrosse for all involved with BRIDGE Lacrosse Dallas!

This past season was a busy but exciting one for BRIDGE Lacrosse Dallas. With the addition of the Barack Obama Eagles lacrosse program and nine volunteer lacrosse coaches, BLD was able to serve 122 boys and girls in the South Dallas area; fifty percent of them being introduced to the sport of lacrosse for the first time this year.

At the end of the season, a parent of a player new to lacrosse and BRIDGE Lacrosse Dallas expressed:

“Without BRIDGE Lacrosse Dallas, most of these boys would not have the exposure or the opportunity to play the sport. As a goalie and a parent of a goalie it truly was a character building event. I believe he really took on the challenge and was determined to get better in defending the goal. I thank BRIDGE for being involved with St. Philip’s and as long as BRIDGE is around, we will be apart of the program.”

So what’s in store for our players after spring season? With summer around the corner, many of our players are looking forward to learning more about lacrosse and growing as players by attending various lacrosse camps around the DFW metroplex.
