Volunteers at GiveCamp 2012

Volunteers at GiveCamp 2012

We have a new website! BRIDGE Lacrosse was the very fortunate recipient of hundreds of individual hours of amazing volunteers at the third annual Dallas Give Camp event. We were one of fourteen nonprofit organizations selected to participate in a weekend event that helped build and develop new technology tools. As you can tell, we chose to completely revamp our website. We’ve introduced new features that showcase high quality pictures, integrate social media and allow every user to see our impact. BRIDGE was supported by an amazing team of developers and builders during the Give Camp event and we cannot thank them enough for the time and effort they put into our new website.

We also want to send a very special thank you to Robb and Krystal Baldwin of Fork Solutions, who previously supported and managed our first ever website as BRIDGE Lacrosse. They have both been phenomenal supporters and friends of BRIDGE, without them our organization would not be where it stands today.

Please browse and click away at our new site. Watch a video, flip through photos, read our focus and learn how you can help make a difference with us.


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