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Q & A with Interns

This week instead of talking about myself I sat down with fellow BRIDGE intern Lizbeth and got to know more about her experiences and future plans with lacrosse.

DREW | What was your first experience with lacrosse?

LIZBETH | My first experience with lacrosse was when my sister began playing in high school and I would pick up a stick and try to play with her at home.

DREW | When did you start playing for a team and which team was it?

LIZBETH | The first team I played with was Rangel middle school when I was in the seventh grade.

DREW | What was your most memorable game and why?

LIZBETH | My most memorable game is the first game I ever played. I was terrified and worried that losing the game would be my fault because I was playing goalie. I loved that game because I had a lot of support from coaches and some of the high school players. I will never forget my first game.

DREW | How has BRIDGE Lacrosse helped you become a better lacrosse player?

LIZBETH | Bridge shows me the importance of growing as a person as well as a player. The coaches are really helpful and the camps I have been able to attend because of BRIDGE are a great help and so much fun.

DREW | What is your favorite college team to watch?

LIZBETH | I don’t really have a favorite college team to watch; whatever game is on TV I will watch.

DREW | Do you plan on continuing to play lacrosse through out your life or will you stop after high school?

LIZBETH | Yes, I would love to continue to play after high school and I want to keep helping lacrosse expand into several different communities. I would love to coach sometime or anything to help new kids become better. 

Now Lizbeth interviewed Drew for a change.

LIZBETH | If you could play any other position on the field, what would it be and why?

DREW | Though out the years I have constantly been switching from defense to LSM to short stick middie and then back to close defense. Usually all these position changes happen through out the year varying game to game so I get plenty of play time where I want. I would never want to play goalie because 80+ mph shots coming towards me is not my idea of fun.

LIZBETH | Describe an embarrassing/bad moment you have had in a game?

DREW | The most embarrassing moment I have ever had in a game was when I was on a fast break and had already beat the first two defenders so it was just me, my attack and the goalie. A goal was nearly guaranteed at this point was it not for both my shoes coming of withing about 10 yards of each other. the ref blew the whistle and I got a "playing without equipment" call. Now before some games my teammates or my dad will joke with me and make sure my shoes are tied.

LIZBETH | If you were not playing lacrosse, what sport would you be playing?

DREW | I have played basketball most of my life up until sophomore year when I went full time with lacrosse, so if I had to give up lax I would probably go back to basketball.

LIZBETH | If you could change or add anything new to lacrosse what would it be?

DREW | I would change all the recent rules that where added regarding the stringing of sticks. The U shooting string was made illegal last year and now shooting strings can not be lower than 4 inches from the top of the head of the stick. This causes a loss of hold in the stick making fakes and certain tricks harder or impossible. Nothing was gained by these changes and the only thing happened was a loss of creativity and fun that is a massive part of the game of lacrosse.

LIZBETH | What athlete do you wish you could trade places with?

DREW | He is not a lacrosse player but as a former swimmer I would with out a second thought trade places with Michael Phelps

LIZBETH | What is your favorite part about being an intern at BRIDGE?

I've been friends with David Higbee (director of BRIDGE) as well as many of the volunteers for a very long time. This allows my job to be extremely fun 100% of the time.




Voice of Hope Lacrosse Camp

This week I had the opportunity to work with boys and girls from Voice of Hope. Seeing the way the kids picked up the game so fast and how much they enjoyed us being there to teach them a new sport that they usually would not be able to see, is always fun to see. Being around kids who are picking up a lacrosse stick for the very first time and are trying to learn the sport is a nice reward for the volunteers. We were able to hand out a couple of sticks to the boys and girls at the camp. Hopefully having a stick at home will help them become encouraged to play more and also help spread lacrosse to their friends and family. I love volunteering at camps like this because for one week I am a part of bringing kids something new and fun that they will not forget. Having camps like this can really impact the lives of some kids, which would be my favorite part about volunteering at camps. I enjoyed this week and hope to do it again soon.

- Lizbeth | Summer Intern




Circle of Support Recap

The first three weeks of my internship have flown by so quickly. Whether helping David with the up coming or current camps like Circle of Support, or learning about my focus(marketing) and studying how we can get the BRIDGE program to more schools and communities. The ongoing Boys Circle of Support camp is going strongly with 12 high school volunteers bringing the game of lacrosse to over 50 kids every day this week. Each coach has brought valuable experience and encouragement to the kids who begin to love the game within minutes of picking up a stick for the fist time. It’s so exciting to see these camps start up and this is only the beginning!

- Drew Carey | Summer Intern 2013




West Dallas Lacrosse Festival

On Saturday, December 15th,  we wrapped up the West Dallas fall season with our first annual lacrosse festival. It was a beautiful and unusually warm day with some amazing kids, coaches and volunteers. The day started with a lacrosse clinic run by our high school board members. Each board member volunteered and participated in our fall ball season by coaching at one of our three community partner sites. These coaches provided sound instruction and guidance for our boys and girls. During our festival clinic, the coaches ran various stations highlighting basic lacrosse skills such as passing, shooting or cradling.

The highlight of the day, though, came when all of our participants geared up to play in their very first lacrosse scrimmage. On the boys side, the Nash Davis Comets faced off against the Lakewest Tigers. The Comets were led by head coach, James, who started our West Dallas Development Board. James was also assisted by Clay and Matthew. On the Lakewest side, coaches Will K., Will L., Henry, Drew K. and Drew C. coached their Tigers to a tough 4-2 win. It was an amazing experience for everyone and we thank these coaches for their support and leadership.

On the opposite field, our girls got a great scrimmage experience too. With the help of our Girls’ Leadership Board and other volunteer coaches, girls from Lakewest YMCA and Girls Inc. played in a fun and exciting scrimmage. During half time, our young players got a chance to see how fast the game moves as the high school coaches played in a 4v4 scrimmage of their own. Anchored by goalies, Lizbeth and Evan (borrowed from the boys), the high school coaches put on quite a show that inspired the girls to get right back in the game.

Overall, it was a phenomenal day and we really appreciate all of the support from our volunteers and community partners. We are very much looking forward to next year’s festival and we hope to continue to lay the foundation for a strong lacrosse future in West Dallas.



Jesuit Varsity Lacrosse Goalie Hosts Goalie Clinic for BLD Players

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012, Jesuit Prep’s starting Varsity goalie, Dan Morris, hosted a goalie clinic for BRIDGE goalies at St. Philip’s School & Community Center.


When asked why he wanted to be involved with BRIDGE Lacrosse Dallas, Dan had stated “I wanted to run goalie clinics for BRIDGE because I love the idea of helping to develop the next generation of goalies in Texas. The kids I coach remind me of when I started playing as a little kid.”

Six goalies from St. Philip’s, Hillcrest, Barack Obama, and Irma Rangel came out to the clinic looking forward to having fun while bettering their goalie skills.

Irma Rangel’s JV goalie left the clinic saying, “I thought it was a fun and helpful experience! I definitely enjoyed the clinic because I learned things I wouldn’t have had a chance to learn at practice. It’s always good to hear feedback from different people about how you can improve.”
